Saturday 8 June 2013

A day of walking in the sun and sleeping sound on sofas.
But this was at Dunham Massey!  Fallow deer not sheep!

Thursday 21 February 2013

The moon has taken to re-appearing at noon to warm itself in the rays of the sun until dusk.    For the last few days we have enjoyed the sun's brightness and the gentle glow of the moon each afternoon.

Wednesday 10 October 2012

What now, another autumn here

Pens and handwriting, vases and flower arranging
Returning to old skills never fully mastered

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Sunshine, lambs playing and sleeping.  Horses silhoutted on the sky-line.
Working with water colours, trying to develop a new skill in the warm open air.
Remembering one who would have so have enjoyed this day.

Friday 9 March 2012

In praise of fresh air

 In praise of fresh air

Only when you don't have it do you appreciate it.  This truism applies to many things including that ultimate of life's necessities ; air to breathe.
 No I am not suggesting that I have suddenly or for a few days been deprived of oxygen, rather that I have been in enforced "in-doorism" (couldn't find an exact word, so if in doubt …make one up!).  Even with the odd window open, several days spent without access to fresh air makes me crave that cold draft with which no wine could ever compare.
The impact of central heating seems to make the lungs feel grainy and the throat dried, as if in need of water.
When me and my couple of sticks pit pat pit patted along the concrete path into the on coming west wind heavy with sleet, I drank deep of the rich cold sweetness of the air.  I had no need to think of gratitude or pleasure.  I was gratitude and all was pleasure.  I was tasting fresh air.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

just thinking

 just thinking...

packing up  and getting ready
back to the usual or change
on the horizon

all that lives, like seasons,
suffer alteration
every thing around rumbles
on, relentless

suffer, endure it
embrace it or exult
choose which we will
no choice - for chaos
is perpetual
and time

Monday 20 February 2012


Changeable weather:-

a high sky, though the sun's still low in the south
a shine of sun rays through grey-white cloud
the snow's disappeared from the gullies of hills
the rain clouds will gather again in the west