Friday 3 February 2012

Feb 3rd...witterings

I spy… (around the bird feeder)    -      (light-hearted rhyme based on real sightings)
I spy… a rabbit sitting in my garden
Trying to be a bird.
I wonder where he heard
There were peanuts for the taking.

I spy…a bird clinging to the feeder:
Rather strange it is
With that tail of his:-
That field mouse must be hungry.

I spy…a raptor just behind the feeder
All the birds are waiting
Hope they are in hiding
Till the falcon's done.

Anger   (from serious consideration to …………..    well, you decide!)
Anger is, I think a difficult emotion.  It has its uses if we channel it towards changing a bad situation for the future. It is often not one that is easily handled within relationships and is difficult for children. 
Too often perhaps it is turned inward and causes self-negating, self-destructive behaviours and thoughts.  Sometimes it becomes other directed and results in violence and aggression.  At the very least if it has nowhere to go it somehow makes a little hole in the fabric that is life and saps a little of the vibrancy of existence.
Today I stamped my foot.  I do not believe I have done that since I was a child.  In fact I may not have been allowed to do that as a child or I may just never have done it.
I was a presented with the problem of how to dispose of those air-bags that surround items delivered in over-large boxes.  There is only so much recycling of them for the purpose for which they were intended that the average household can do.  I needed to reduce their volume and then I could just recycle the plastic!
I would stamp on them.
Looking at them I was reminded of a story, perhaps apocryphal, that in a pottery factory in Bornholm the employees were allowed to throw the reject plates etc. at cut-outs/pictures of the boss or management.  I decided a to make use of my stamping to "let off some steam." 
What was I angry at?  What did I have to be angry at? Nothing really, except for things that truly cannot be changed.  But, so what!
I stamped away, creating satisfying pops as each air bag burst.
I felt better.  Well less tense anyway.
So let me add to the primal scream, to the massage, to the popping of bubble wrap and others tricks, this particular method of giving vent to frustration and anger -
Become a child again but use your stamping hissy fit to reduce not only your tensions but your clutter too!

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