Monday 13 February 2012

Pebbles and Ponderings

Monday13 Feb


Yesterday I noted;  "the voice can reveal what words may not"                                                                 Make of that what you will but today I am thinking it is really like body language, a little bit more on the instinctive side than the words we choose, which ,unless we are unusually prone to unthinking outbursts, are so often calculated  and considered, filtered through a thought process.

Today's brain churnings have seen me mulling over elements.  No not the ones that Tom Leherer sang about "…of which the news had come to Harvard…." or had not been .."discavered.."
 I refer to environmental elements such as water for fish, 
Watching a bored collie dog transformed, energised and brought alive by the exercise of chasing a ball, I realised that such an animal, bred for work and activity, is like a fish out of water when it spends much of its day waiting around for the rare excitement of chasing the post van or other cars in an all but silent street.  A farmyard filled with animals needing to be rounded up,  herding sheep or cattle or "working" in some other capacity, even taking part in games, contests and then you see a different animal.
I fear it may be the same for some humans.  Urban living stimulates and energises some, but overwhelms others.  A rural idyll is bliss for the one but anathema to another. For many suburban living works as a way of getting a bit of both environments, yet there are those for whom this would be the ultimate worst scenario.
Perhaps like the collie it is simply necessary for there to be variety for most of us to survive, with a degree of comfort, in whatever place we find ourselves.  Getting the balance right for each individual can however be quite a juggling act.

2 Pebbles

A blackbird, head to one side, listens to the worms.  Its yellow beak will strike down. To stay safe, the prey must burrow deep.

A bored collie shouts at the sheep straggling around a fenced field.
They look up but, ignoring the command, they do not flock together.
The collie considers whether to risk a reprimand by jumping the fence.
The sheep return to grazing while the collie, depressed, slumps back to sleep.

WOWH writing prompt : of use
 "Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful so said William Morris who was very interested in design and also in its social implications.  Can the maxim be applied not only to things but to ideas?  Also who decides what is useful or beautiful?  Everyone living in the house?
That is surely the problem that is faced by many who end up with lots of "clutter".  Something may be "beautiful" because of associations (sentimental value) or it may be useful in the future, which is why some keep bits and pieces that others throw away or more responsibly recycle.

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